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British 'Searaser' invention promises green power revolution on the waves

"The 'Searaser' uses the power of the ocean to pump water inland for electricity generation. Mark Anslow reports on the simple invention that could soon be making waves in renewables."

Category: Energy sources


Scared silly over climate change

"We are frightening children with exaggerations – they believe they don't have a future and that the world is going to end"

Category: Climate Change


Hint of planet outside our galaxy

"Astronomers believe they have seen hints of the first planet to be spotted outside of our galaxy."

Category: Space


Herschel telescope 'opens eyes'

"Europe's new billion-euro Herschel space observatory, launched in May, has achieved a critical milestone."

Category: Space


'My fuel filter was clogged up with kebab fat'

"You can give petrol prices the slip by running your car on cooking oil - but is it worth all the hassle? Grease is the word, says Adrian Holliday"

Category: Transport

Displaying results 1171 to 1175 out of 2977